Source code for cacheout.manager

"""The manager module provides the :class:`CacheManager` class."""

from threading import RLock
import typing as t

from .cache import Cache

[docs] class CacheManager: """ The cache manager provides an interface for accessing multiple caches indexed by name. Each named cache is a separate cache instance with its own configuration. Named caches can be configured during initialization or later using the :meth:`setup` (bulk configuration) or :meth:`configure` (individual configuration) methods. Example: >>> # Configure bulk caches during initialization >>> cacheset = CacheManager({"A": {"maxsize": 100}, "B": {"ttl": 90}}) >>> assert "A" in cacheset >>> assert "B" in cacheset >>> # Replace bulk caches after initialization >>> class MyCache(Cache): pass >>> cacheset.setup({"C": {"cache_class": MyCache}, "D": {}}) >>> assert "A" not in cacheset >>> assert "B" not in cacheset >>> assert "C" in cacheset >>> assert isinstance(cacheset["C"], MyCache) >>> assert "D" in cacheset >>> assert isinstance(cacheset["D"], Cache) >>> # Configure individual cache after initialization >>> cacheset.configure("E", **{"cache_class": MyCache}) >>> assert isinstance(cacheset["E"], MyCache) >>> # Replace a cache entity >>> cacheset.register("E", Cache()) >>> assert isinstance(cacheset["E"], Cache) >>> # Access caches >>> cacheset["C"].set("key1", "value1") >>> cacheset["D"].set("key2", "value2") Args: settings (dict, optional): A ``dict`` indexed by each cache name that should be created and configured. Defaults to ``None`` which doesn't configure anything. cache_class (callable, optional): A factory function used when creating a cache. """ def __init__(self, settings: t.Optional[dict] = None, cache_class: t.Type[Cache] = Cache): self.cache_class = cache_class self._lock = RLock() self.setup(settings)
[docs] def setup(self, settings: t.Optional[dict] = None) -> None: """ Set up named cache instances using configuration defined in `settings`. The `settings` should contain key/values corresponding to the cache name and its cache options, respectively. Named caches are then accessible using index access on the cache handler object. Warning: Calling this method will destroy **all** previously configured named caches and replace them with what is defined in `settings`. Args: settings (dict, optional): A ``dict`` indexed by each cache name that contains the options for each named cache. """ self._caches: t.Dict[t.Hashable, Cache] = {} if settings is not None: if not isinstance(settings, dict): raise TypeError("settings must be a dict") for name, options in settings.items(): self.configure(name, **options)
[docs] def configure(self, name: t.Hashable, **options: t.Any) -> None: """ Configure cache identified by `name`. Note: If no cache has been configured for `name`, then it will be created. Args: name: Cache name identifier. **options: Cache options. """ try: cache = self[name] cache.configure(**options) except KeyError: self.register(name, self._create_cache(**options))
def _create_cache( self, cache_class: t.Optional[t.Type[Cache]] = None, **options: t.Any ) -> Cache: cache_class = cache_class or self.cache_class return cache_class(**options)
[docs] def register(self, name: t.Hashable, cache: Cache) -> None: """Register a named cache instance.""" self._caches[name] = cache
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.cache_names()})" def __getitem__(self, name: t.Hashable) -> t.Any: try: return self._caches[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"Cache not configured for {name}. Use 'configure({name!r}, **options)' to" " configure it." ) def __iter__(self) -> t.Iterator[t.Tuple[t.Hashable, Cache]]: with self._lock: caches = self._caches.copy() yield from caches.items() def __contains__(self, name: t.Hashable) -> bool: return name in self._caches
[docs] def cache_names(self) -> t.List[t.Hashable]: """Return list of names of cache entities.""" return list(name for name, _ in self)
[docs] def caches(self) -> t.List[Cache]: """Return list of cache instances.""" return list(cache for _, cache in self)
[docs] def clear_all(self) -> None: """Clear all caches.""" for _, cache in self: cache.clear()