Source code for cacheout.lfu

"""The lfu module provides the :class:`LFUCache` (Least Frequently Used) class."""

from collections import Counter
import typing as t

from .cache import T_TTL, Cache, RemovalCause

[docs] class LFUCache(Cache): """ The Least Frequently Used (LFU) cache is like :class:`.Cache` but uses a least-frequently-used eviction policy. The primary difference with :class:`.Cache` is that access to cache entries (i.e. calls to :meth:`get` and :meth:`set`) are tracked; each call to :meth:`get` will increment the cache key's access count while calls to :meth:`set` will reset the counter. During cache eviction, the entry with the lowest access count is removed first. """ _access_counts: Counter def setup(self) -> None: super().setup() self._access_counts: Counter = Counter() def __next__(self) -> t.Hashable: with self._lock: try: return self._access_counts.most_common(n=1)[0][0] except (ValueError, IndexError): # pragma: no cover # Empty cache. raise StopIteration def _touch(self, key: t.Hashable) -> None: # Decrement access counts so we can use Counter.most_common() to return the least accessed # keys first (i.e. keys with a higher count). self._access_counts[key] -= 1
[docs] def get(self, key: t.Hashable, default: t.Any = None) -> t.Any: with self._lock: value = super().get(key, default=default) if key in self._cache: self._touch(key) return value
get.__doc__ = Cache.get.__doc__
[docs] def set(self, key: t.Hashable, value: t.Any, ttl: t.Optional[T_TTL] = None) -> None: with self._lock: super().set(key, value, ttl=ttl) self._touch(key)
set.__doc__ = Cache.set.__doc__
[docs] def add(self, key: t.Hashable, value: t.Any, ttl: t.Optional[T_TTL] = None) -> None: with self._lock: super().add(key, value, ttl=ttl) self._touch(key)
add.__doc__ = Cache.add.__doc__ def _delete(self, key: t.Hashable, cause: t.Optional[RemovalCause] = None) -> int: count = super()._delete(key, cause) try: del self._access_counts[key] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover pass return count def _clear(self) -> None: super()._clear() self._access_counts.clear()